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Eat 4 Health Nutrition Counseling, LLC
Teresa Edwards, MSHN, CHN
Certified Holistic Nutritionist


-Raw Chocolate versus Processed Chocolate-
I don’t know about where you live, but here in Texas as the stores packed away the Christmas aisles full of treats, their shelves were...
Terri Edwards
Feb 3, 20187 min read

-Diaphragmatic Breathing vs. Shallow Breathing-
The human body requires certain things to sustain life, things that we do each day, and most days we do these things without even...
Terri Edwards
Jan 20, 20185 min read

-Detoxing versus Dieting-
The New Year has begun, and many individuals are considering a change to their eating pattern, leaving behind the overindulgence of the...
Terri Edwards
Jan 5, 20186 min read

-An Orange versus Vitamin C Pill-
Vitamin C is a natural component of foods and is an essential micronutrient for humans as we cannot synthesize this vitamin, which is so...
Terri Edwards
Dec 13, 20175 min read

-Physical Activity versus a Sedentary Lifestyle-
Take a glimpse at the structure of the human body with the skeletal system composed of just over 200 named bones, cartilage, joints, and...
Terri Edwards
Nov 3, 20174 min read

-Honey versus Aspartame-
As we enter the last few months of 2017 and the holiday season approaches, many of us will prepare to celebrate with family and friends. ...
Terri Edwards
Oct 21, 20174 min read

-A Green Apple versus Jolly Rancher Green Apple Candy-
So, you’re looking for something sweet to eat, and a colorful bag of hard candy catches your eye. The bag is brightly colored with...
Terri Edwards
Oct 11, 20176 min read

-Tea Versus Soda-
What do you choose to drink on a daily basis, and does it matter? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water by weight, so hydrating the...
Terri Edwards
Oct 2, 20177 min read
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