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Eat 4 Health Nutrition Counseling, LLC
Teresa Edwards, MSHN, CHN
Certified Holistic Nutritionist


-Foods to Consume or Avoid for Health and Longevity-
The food we choose to consume each day has the potential to promote health and longevity or promote chronic disease and premature death.
Terri Edwards
Oct 1, 20194 min read

-Fruit & Herb-Infused Water versus Diet Soft Drinks-
Fruit & Herb-Infused Water
Terri Edwards
Sep 1, 20196 min read

-Homemade School Lunch versus Lunchables-
Homemade School Lunch vs Lunchables
Terri Edwards
Aug 1, 20195 min read

-Whole Food Flour versus Enriched Flour-
We have many #flour options today....
Terri Edwards
Jul 1, 20194 min read

-Eating for Health versus Eating for Taste-
eat whole foods...
Terri Edwards
Jun 1, 20195 min read

-Prebiotics versus Probiotics-
The terms prebiotic and probiotic sound similar, but they are very different in terms of the function each performs in the digestive...
Terri Edwards
May 1, 20194 min read

-Natural Anti-histamines versus Synthetic Anti-histamines-
During allergy season, the word histamine may bring to mind itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and the discomfort one feels when...
Terri Edwards
Apr 1, 20195 min read

-Whole Food versus Processed Food-
The majority of the food we eat today is very different than the food we ate several decades ago and vastly different than the food...
Terri Edwards
Mar 1, 20194 min read

-Food versus Supplements-
Does it matter where children and adults get nutrients, from food or supplements? To achieve full growth potential, appropriate body...
Terri Edwards
Feb 1, 20195 min read

-Obesogens versus Willpower-
Can Chemicals that we Consume be Preventing us from Losing those Excess Pounds? This blog post will be a bit different than those I’ve...
Terri Edwards
Jan 1, 20194 min read

-Antifungal Plants versus Antifungal Medications-
Candidemia, or the presence of candida in the bloodstream, has become more prevalent over the past 20 years, according to the CDC....
Terri Edwards
Dec 1, 20185 min read

-Elderberry versus Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)-
The cold and flu season has begun here in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that influenza...
Terri Edwards
Nov 1, 20184 min read

-Natural Nutrients versus Synthetic Nutrients-
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements, Americans have been taking vitamin and mineral...
Terri Edwards
Oct 1, 20185 min read

-Ginger versus Over-the-Counter Antacids-
Heartburn is a common occurrence today, said to affect more than 60 million Americans at least once a month. In 2017, Americans purchased...
Terri Edwards
Sep 1, 20184 min read

-In-Season versus Out-of-Season Fruits and Veggies-
With summer in full swing, and the increased availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in our area, I began to think about the benefits...
Terri Edwards
Aug 1, 20183 min read

-Nutrient Tracking versus Calorie Tracking-
Excess body weight is a contributing factor to many chronic diseases. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Terri Edwards
Jul 1, 20185 min read

-Root Cause versus Symptom Management -
When we suffer from an illness, our first thought may be of the pain, nausea, fever, dizziness or even difficulty breathing that the...
Terri Edwards
Jun 1, 20184 min read

-Raw Food vs. Cooked Food -
For most, the thought of eating raw or cooked food may not be a big deal. Sometimes we like our broccoli in a broccoli slaw salad (raw),...
Terri Edwards
May 1, 20185 min read

-Mediterranean Style Diet versus Standard American Diet-
What do you think of when you hear the term “diet”? Many people may think of a diet as a temporary way of eating, usually smaller...
Terri Edwards
Apr 3, 20184 min read

-Healthy versus Unhealthy-
Lately, I’ve been working on coursework for workplace wellness certification, which has me thinking more about the concept of wellness. ...
Terri Edwards
Mar 2, 20188 min read
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